We created a short film for our own brand Mito



In 2023, we created our own brand mito, hoping to become a gathering place for leisure creation, sharing, starting from interest, and creating a platform for interest. Hope this boat in the process of driving, more partners to join in, together here to create, share, explore, we are also the first time to use the fog effect to do the whole animation, mainly using redshift and blender to complete the fog effect, hope to create a dreamlike scene, hope that everyone together to build a dream, explore together! 




项目 Project :MITO原创pv 
CG制作 Production :B-O-D studio 
监制 Supervisor :大宝boo 
导演 Director :安迪Andy
 制片 Producer :郭琦Guo Qi 
视觉指导 Visual guidance :大宝boo 、YAYA、贾言Jia Yan 
视觉设计 Visual design : YAYA、贾言Jia Yan、白腾源Bai Tengyuan 
角色设计Character design :  YAYA、贾言、白腾源Bai Tengyuan、林雨晴Lin Yuqing 
角色模型 Role model :庞俊杰Pang Junjie、殷云畅Yin Yunchang、 成都极光星空文化传播有限公司Chengdu Aurora Starry Sky Culture Communication Co., Ltd 
道具模型 Prop model:白腾源Bai Tengyuan 
三维绑定 Rigging:郑欣Zheng Xin、小柴Xiao Chai 
三维动画 Animation: 密码Mi Ma、小杨Xiao Yang、雷佳豪Lei Jiahaovies 
三维特效 3D VFX:许克南Xu Kenan、 葛玉慧Ge Yuhui 
三维渲染合成 3D Compositing:王杰Wang Jie(组长)、 张永策Zhang Yongce、刘晓龙Liu Xiaolong、 邵卓Shao Zhuo、张航Zhang Hang、 翁博Weng Bo、  殷佳浩Yin Jiahao、黎明铭Li Mingming、石晋康Shi Jinkang、吴波Wu Bo、王彤Wang Tong、 吕东鑫Lv Dongxin、殷云畅Yin Yunchang、庞俊杰Pang Junjie、张航Zhang Hang 
音乐制作 MusicProduction:Kambiz Aghdam

We created a short film for our own brand Mito